"If you do what's right, If you live the right way, you will be taken care of."
~Rachel Castillo
This quote means that if you always live by doing what is right at all time, no matter what you will always be taken care of. You will never have to worry about feeling lonely and unguided. When you live doing what's right someone will always be there to take care of you, support you, motivate you, and encourage you. For example; when it comes to a criminal no one ever cares about what he is feeling or going through because all they want towards him is anger and rancor. Who will ever take care of someone like this? Nobody, Why? Because he made other people lose respect towards him. When it comes to someone who is really nice, kind, and loyal and he gets sick or something, everyone will worry and care for him because he always worries about those around him and not only himself.
"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are."
~Arnold H. Glasgow
This quote means that in order for you to get where you want to be you must first know where you are aiming to be. You need to first assure with yourself what it is that your really want in life. In other words be sure the goals you are setting for yourself are accurate enough to what you want. After you figure out what you want then continue your path and find your passion. For Example, I want to be a Professional Soccer player. In order for me to get what I want I need to know what I am really aiming for.
"Only those live who do good."
~Count Leo Tolstoy
People that live are the ones that do good in life, but those that don't do good are not really living.
"What's right isn't always popular. What's Popular isn't always Right."
~ Albert Einstein
What this quote is trying to say is that when something new comes out and it becomes popular then it means everyone will want that. But here is the thing, not everything that is popular is not meant to be right and most importantly not safe. An example of these acts that are popular but not safe are the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, Condom Challenge, Cinnamon Challenge, etc. These acts consequences are really severe they can cause suffocation and maybe even death. This is what means something popular that is not right. On the other hand, when it comes to doing something kind and nice towards our community and humanity it will obviously not become popular. In my opinion society makes dumb things popular nowadays and therefore pushes aside those random acts of kindness.
"You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right."
~ Thomas S. Monson
I like this quote because it's true, you can't be right by doing something wrong and you can't be wrong by doing something that is right. Right and Wrong are two very different things. It's like when you are having an argument with someone and you know your are right but that person doesn't either believe you or doesn't want to listen to you so you decide to make them believe you and listen to you by doing something wrong doesn't mean that, that person wouldn't want to believe you anymore because you decided to do something wrong just to prove that you were right the whole time. You also can't be wrong by doing something that is right because if you do something right and that person still thinks that you are wrong well it would be the other way around because how would they expect you to do something right be wrong.