Monday, November 30, 2015

"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
   -Joseph B. Wirthlin

I think this is a nice quote because it is true. Most of the time, Kind people do good and good things happen to them. And people that are mean, bad things happen to them. Also, Helping someone else makes you feel good inside. But we are Human beings and we make mistakes, and if everybody apply this quote to their lives, there wouldn't be people hurting other people or killing other people. We all need to pay attention to this quote. For Example, If we help out a homeless by just giving him a dollar, we can help them and the favor you did, God will return it to you. Kindness is a big thing and we need to have it. If we have it, we will have greatness.

"Thanksgiving week"

What I did in my thanksgiving week was to rest. The first thing I did on Friday when I got home from school was sleep. I slept until 9:30 pm and from that time on, I played Videogames all night long and I went back to sleep at 4:30 am, and that is what I did almost all the week. Sleep early and play Videogames all night long. Destiny, Call of Duty, FIFA, Resident Evil... Also, I watched soccer games on the TV. On Wednesday, my aunt and I went to buy turkey, potatoes, and the stuff that we were going to need the next day. That Night, my other aunt called us to spend Thursday with her and her Family so we decided to cook the turkey on Saturday just for us.The next day we went to y Tia's house at 6:00 pm and spend the rest of the day there. Friday we ate the leftovers and started decorating our house. Then on Saturday I went to play Soccer at South Gate Park. Then on Sunday I went to Church I spend the rest of the day playing Black Ops III.



Thursday, November 19, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
    -Proverbs 13:20

This quote is trying to say that if you walk with wise people, you will become one of them, but if you walk with fools, you will be one fool too.
"If it is not Right, do not do it; If it is not true, do not say it."
     -Marcus Aurelius

This quote is a good quote because it is an advice. If it is not right, Why doing it.? What is the Benefit of it.? If it is not true, Why saying it.? What you get for lying.? Choose the right. Sometimes it can be hard but it is a better way to live your Life. Always tell the truth. Maybe you did something and you don't want to say it but have the courage to face it. 

"Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day"

Thanksgiving is a day where you celebrate for the blessings that you have. When you are being thankful for everything that you have. That day you eat dinner with your family, Spend time with your Family. The first Thanksgiving Celebration was on 1621 because they had a Great Amount of Harvest. The First  Thanksgiving was on Thursday November 26th 1789, and it was named "The First Ever National Thanksgiving Day" by George Washington. In the 19th century, It became an Official Holiday. Now I'm going to put some things that I'm Thankful for:
  1. My Family.
  2. My Health.
  3. My House.
  4. I have Food to eat.
  5. Friends.
  6. School.
  7. My Life.
  8. My Mom and Dad.
  9. I have a Bed where I can Sleep.
  10. I have Clothes to wear.
  11. I have a Car to go places.
  12. I Thank God for everything that I have today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing" 
     -Chick Moorman

What this quote is trying to say is that Doing  what is right, honorable and fair is more important than winning and losing because it makes you feel good. This is an amazing quote because it is true. Also because it is the Right thing to do. Sometimes people say to be competitive but that doesn't mean that you have to cheat. You always have to be fair and honorable.


Friday, November 13, 2015

"1. Have the courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth.
  3. Do the right thing because it is the right thing.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity."
                            -W. Clement Stone

This quote is trying to say that you have to have the courage to say no. If your "friends" tell you to smoke, Have the courage to say No to Wrong. Have the courage to face the truth. Why lying for.? Maybe it will get you out of a bad moment but, just for a while. If you say the truth, maybe it will literally hurt you but, it will be gone faster and it is a better way of solving problems. Do the Right thing because it is the right thing. It will benefit you, Maybe not in that moment but it will. Soon or later.

Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: A health science librarian provides access to medical information through books, pamphlets, journals, tapes, multimedia presentations, and the Internet. Health science librarians help health providers, patients, and students sort through the vast amount of information available.
Salary: $58,000

Education: Students must graduate from high school, taking classes such as English, math, typing, and science. A four-year bachelor's degree is then required, including courses such as science and computer science. A master's degree in library science (MDLS) is mandatory. Courses include scientific literature, bio medical communication, bibliographic resource use, library organization and management, and standard cataloging systems.

Reflection: I would like to be one because I like reading.

Friday, November 6, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
   -Proverbs 13:20

"Right is Right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
  -William Penn

Right is Right, even if everyone is against it. What this means is that 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The Best recreation is to Do Good."
   -William Penn

I agree with his quote because its true . when u help someone you feel happy and relax. When is what recreation means to relax. We sometime think that do good is a job, but its not. It's really your break time. We need to do good because it helps you and the people you help.
For Example: Maria gets good grades and works hard that helping to win the basketball games. When so want to relax she goes to the retirement home to help out. She says it relax her seeing the smiles  of the people so helps. She love it because it help her relax but its also helping them. That's why i agreed with this quote.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities:
      1)  Collaborate with health specialists and civic groups to determine          community health needs and the availability of services, and to develop  goals for meeting needs.
      2)   Design and conduct evaluations and diagnostic studies to assess the  quality and performance of health education programs.
      3)   Develop and present health education and promotion programs such as  training workshops, conferences, and school or community presentations.
      4)   Develop operational plans and polices necessary to achieve health  education objectives and services.
      5)   Develop, conduct, or coordinate health needs assessments and other  public  health surveys.
      6)   Prepare and distribute health education materials, including reports,  bulletins, and visual aids such as films, videotapes, photographs, and  posters.
Salary: $50,259-$67,759