"Thanksgiving week"
What I did in my thanksgiving week was to rest. The first thing I did on Friday when I got home from school was sleep. I slept until 9:30 pm and from that time on, I played Videogames all night long and I went back to sleep at 4:30 am, and that is what I did almost all the week. Sleep early and play Videogames all night long. Destiny, Call of Duty, FIFA, Resident Evil... Also, I watched soccer games on the TV. On Wednesday, my aunt and I went to buy turkey, potatoes, and the stuff that we were going to need the next day. That Night, my other aunt called us to spend Thursday with her and her Family so we decided to cook the turkey on Saturday just for us.The next day we went to y Tia's house at 6:00 pm and spend the rest of the day there. Friday we ate the leftovers and started decorating our house. Then on Saturday I went to play Soccer at South Gate Park. Then on Sunday I went to Church I spend the rest of the day playing Black Ops III.

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