Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Eight Great Reasons to Tell the Truth
   ~Barbara A. Lewis
  1. Telling the truth let’s everyone know what really happened. There’s less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
  2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
  3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
  4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying (and getting caught).
  5. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
  6. You don’t have to tell (and remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
  7. You gain a reputation for being truthful - a trait most people value.
  8. Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.

These are eight great reasons to tell the truth by Barbara what these quotes are trying to say is that it's always the right thing to do to tell the truth because the truth shall set you free from everything. The truth will stop a lot of nonsense from happening and when you lie you will get a bad reputation for doing so and you will never be trusted. unlike me i am personally a loyal person and i live by honor but if you break my trust you are DONE. Being honest is the best thing you can do because when you lie and try to form sides against the person you're telling a lie to you just digging a deeper hole for yourself when you should've just told the truth in the first place, I always try to do the right thing even though it doesn't benefit me it just feels right to do i try to be honest with all my friends and loyal but it is always hard to trust people nowadays because people do back-stab and that's why i find weaknesses in my friends and my foes that's just me.


Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: Yoga instructors help to guide students in yoga through variety of postures, or asanas, and breathing exercises referred to as pranayama. Instructors provide hands on direction to make sure students are performing movements properly and applying the breathing techniques.
Salary: $19,610 - $44,420
Education: College and professional training courses.
Demand for this profession: Yoga alliance requires instructors to receive at least 200 training hours, with a specified portion of those hours focusing on techniques, teaching methodology, anatomy, philosophy and physiology, as well as other areas.

Reflection: I would like to be a Yoga Therapist because it is a nice way to live healthy and to teach others how to live healthy.

Monday, May 23, 2016

“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
     ~Dan Dierdorf

What this quote is trying to say is that keep pushing yourself to do the right thing don't let the bad influences distract you. Do the best you can always and do it right don’t just settle for less when you can become more. If you're doing the right thing you always do it the right way no matter what anyone does or says, because you are true to who you are and you don’t care what anyone has to say.

Wellness Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: Wellness specialists work for schools, local governments, companies or other organizations to suggest, support and train people on their health and fitness goals. The types of concerns are as varied as weight and diabetes.
Salary: $49,480
           $15.77 / Hour
Education: Degree in a related discipline such as nursing, fitness or sports medicine.
Demand for this Profession: There are no specific requirements, but many positions require on-the-job training in addition to certification from accredited wellness organizations.

Reflection: I wouldn’t like to be one.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
    ~Dennis Prager

This quote means that good values are the most important thing for your person because a person with good values is a good person a responsible person, with integrity, with honor, with loyalty, with integrity , with equality, with justice, with tolerance, with honesty , with kindness, but you are the one who decide if you want to have good values, if you want to be a good person and also live your best, do your best and be the best. Good values are so important for everyone because that makes you who you are and how you are so a person without values is a bad person. And i’m agree with the quote because it is the most important thing to have good values and this quote really matters also your not born with good values you raised them and work them every day to become a better person a good person.



Duties and Responsibilities: Veterinarians care for the health of animals and work to improve public health. They diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and other animals.
Salary: $99,000
Education: Veterinarians must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from an accredited veterinary college and a state license.
Demand for this Profession: Employment of veterinarians is projected to grow 9 percent from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations. Candidates should expect very strong competition for available veterinarian positions, especially in companion animal care. Those with specializations and prior work experience should have the best job opportunities.

Reflection: Yes because I like helping animals and they are very important for us.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: Self respect, dignity (self worth), Integrity, and self-esteem.”
   ~Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

I can agree with Dr. Schlessinger because when you do something good you don’t always get a physical reward. Most of the time the reward you get is mental. Just like when you do something bad, it’s all mental. When you do something that you know is right, then you feel a lot better about yourself. When you doing something bad, and you’re constantly thinking about it, you feel terrible about it. By doing the right thing you gain more respect for yourself and self-esteem. For example if you made a promise to someone but you know that you’re breaking that promise. When you start to become or aware about it you start to feel bad and guilty. Dr. Schlessinger is also trying to say that the internal reward is way more valuable than the external reward. I agree with her but i also feel that you only feel guilty is you’re conscious aware about it.


Friday, May 13, 2016

“Phillip Riggs’ Four Success Tips:
  1. Work Hard.
  2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
  3. Don’t chase after money.
  4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.”
  ~Phillip Riggs

These four success tips are very handy. Many people can learn from these tips. For example, we can work hard for things we like to do. We should carry our passions and not let anyone bring us down. If we can succeed in our passions we can have fun and while we have fun, we also make money. We should also help the community. Or not just our community but our friends. Then when we are in trouble, they can help us back. These things that Phillip said are very important and very Helpful.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

“You knew what I was when you picked me up.”

The video we just saw was about a snake trying to persuade a young native american either to choose the right or the wrong. Now in the video it was a really good example of choosing the wrong or right because it showed us how the snake was able to convince the Indian to do the wrong. I this case the wrong thing to do was to pick up the snake and the right thing was to leave and not get close to the snake at all. In my eyes if I were to see a snake I would not mess with it or get close to it because they are very dangerous. In the video the Indian knew that the snake was dangerous and can harm him but the snake was a tricky one and got the Indian to pick him up. The Indian's consequence for doing the wrong thing was a bite from the snake, and the snake told him "you knew what I was and you still picked me up." The video message was to tell the audience that only we can make decisions and sometimes we blame it on other things but we are the only person to blame.

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
   ~Theodore Roosevelt

         This statement is very powerful and I really enjoy it because we all are capable of doing the right thing but sometimes we decide not to do the right thing,and do the wrong. I personally have faced times were I don’t know whether to do the right thing or the wrong thing. I have chosen to do the wrong thing several times but I have learned from them and know I think very carefully on my decisions only mine not what others want me to do. Many times people who do the wrong thing is because they are with a group of friends and just want to seem cool. I say this because I have done it and I found out that it doesn’t matter what others think of you it only matters on how you think of yourself. For instance people can call you a good boy or a chicken because you never want to do the wrong thing but that is great. The reason why is because you are always doing what is right and you're leading your life to a successful happy life. I personally hope that I can lead my life into being successful and I know I can do it as long as I stay determined and always be dedicated on doing the right thing. That is why it is very important to always try or make sure you are doing the right thing in life.  


Professional Soccer Player
Duties and Responsibilities: Being a Soccer Player requires a lot of responsibility. When you are in the Field, you have to do your work, what you are supposed to do. If you do more, then that is… Perfect. In my case, being a Midfielder requires a lot of responsibility. Why? Because I’m the play maker. That means that I’m the one that attack and pass the ball to the strikers (Forwards) so they could score. If I do something wrong, that could cost us a Goal.
Salary: *La Liga (Spain) - $36,557 per week.
                           $1,901,008 per season.
*Major League Soccer/MLS (United States) - $4,097 per week
                                                                      $213,048 per season.
*Premier League (England) - $68,511 per week
                                           $3,562,600 per year.
Education: You don’t need to have an Education. All you need to know is the how to play and the rules.

“Neymar Dos Santos Da Silva Jr”
-Brazil / FC Barcelona

Reflection: I would love to be one. I like to play Soccer. I want to play for my Country.

Monday, May 9, 2016

"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong."
    ~Wilford Woodruff

If you cheat on a test its not helping you its only hurting you because you have not learned nothing therefore you have not gained anything by you never gain anything by doing the wrong thing.Do the right thing because it always helps you in the long run instead of that moment if you do what is right you will always get credit for that happiness and people see that and they will respect you for what you did for example: If you donate lets like half you paycheck to charity people are going to look up to you and admire you and you will always have that good feeling in your heart like you did something right and remember what you did for the rest of your life and when you have children or grandchildren you can tell them all the admirable things you've done in your past and they will look up and try to follow in your footsteps and they will be a good kind person just like you are and then they pass on to their children so its just a never ending cycle of goodness. Overall do what's because its always feels right to do the right thing.


            One of my hobbies is playing soccer, watching movies, going out with my friends. But there is one that I like the most, Playing Videogames. This is my favorite thing to do when I'm at home or at a friend's house. Playing Videogames helps me forget about everything for a while and enjoy my life. Some of my favorite games are Destiny, FIFA, Call of Duty and Street Fighter.


I like Destiny because it is an adventure game where you have to complete misions in order to get stronger. You can also play online and show the other people who rules.! FIFA is a soccer game where you control the players however you want. This is the right opportunity where you show your friends or family who is the best soccer player. Street Fighter is a really good game where you fight another person in the street. You have some special skills.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

“It’s a Great Moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.”
  ~Pam Knox

What this quote means is that it's always right to stand up for something you believe is the right thing to do. For example when you see someone getting robbed do you go after the person or just let it be and say “not my circus not my monkeys” or do you say “it's a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time” you choice the decision only you could what would be the best solution here option 1 or 2 personally i would go with option 1 because sometimes the best way to win is for good men to do nothing no getting in someone else's business can help you live longer.

Speech Pathologist

Duties and Responsibilities: A specialist sometimes called a speech therapists or speech pathologists with role to assess, diagnose, treat and help prevent speech, language, cognitive-communication, voice, swallowing, fluency and other related disorders.
Salary: $66,920-$73,410
Education: Need a license license requires at least a master’s degree and supervised clinical experience. Many states require graduation from an accredited masters program.
Demand for this Profession: Qualities:
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Compassion
  • Critical-thinking skills
  • Detail oriented
  • Listening skills
Reflection: I wouldn’t like to be a speech therapist because I am very impatient.