Eight Great Reasons to Tell the Truth
~Barbara A. Lewis
- Telling the truth let’s everyone know what really happened. There’s less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
- Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
- Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
- You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying (and getting caught).
- Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
- You don’t have to tell (and remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
- You gain a reputation for being truthful - a trait most people value.
- Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.
These are eight great reasons to tell the truth by Barbara what these quotes are trying to say is that it's always the right thing to do to tell the truth because the truth shall set you free from everything. The truth will stop a lot of nonsense from happening and when you lie you will get a bad reputation for doing so and you will never be trusted. unlike me i am personally a loyal person and i live by honor but if you break my trust you are DONE. Being honest is the best thing you can do because when you lie and try to form sides against the person you're telling a lie to you just digging a deeper hole for yourself when you should've just told the truth in the first place, I always try to do the right thing even though it doesn't benefit me it just feels right to do i try to be honest with all my friends and loyal but it is always hard to trust people nowadays because people do back-stab and that's why i find weaknesses in my friends and my foes that's just me.
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