Friday, August 28, 2015


Duties and Responsibilities: Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine involving inserting thin needles into the body at acupuncture points. It can be associated with the application of heat, pressure, or laser light to these same points. Acupuncture is commonly used for pain relief, though it is also used for a wide range of conditions. Clinical practice varies depending on the country.
Salary: $28,986 - $81,728
Education: The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) is the certifying body for acupuncturists and also the developer of license exams. Acupuncturist licenses are state-administered, but most states use the NCCAOM exams; many states also require that applicants achieve NCCAOM certification in order to earn their licenses.

Reflection: I would like to be one because of the Salary, I like Relaxation, and because it doesn’t need too much of school stuff.

"My First Two-week Adventure at HPIAM"

My first two weeks at HPIAM were kind of weird because I saw people from my Middle School that I thought I wasn't going to see again. At the same time it was Really good because I saw my friends again. These past days, I've been having a lot of Homework. It was the second day of school and The Teachers gave us homework. I'm thinking in joining the School Soccer Team. My classes area little boring. My classes are...
1. P.E.
2. Physiology
3. World History
4. English 10
5. Geometry
6. AP Spanish
7. English L&L
8. New Media

Wednesday, August 26, 2015



          An optician, or dispensing optician, is a technical practitioner who designs, fits and dispenses corrective lenses for the correction of a person's vision. Opticians determine the specifications of various ophthalmic appliances that will give the necessary correction to a person's eyesight. Some registered or licensed opticians also design and fit special appliances to correct cosmetic, traumatic or anatomical defects. These devices are called shells or artificial eyes.

Duties and Responsibilities: A dual education system combines apprenticeships in a company and vocational education at a vocational school in one course. This system is practiced in several countries, notably Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Switzerland, but also Portugal, Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Egypt, and for some years now in China and other countries in Asia.

Salary: $34,000 - $60,777
Education: High school diploma or equivalent at minimum; employers may prefer those with certificates or associate's degrees, license is require in some states

Reflection: I would like to be one because the salary is not that bad, but at the same time I wouldn’t because it’s about the eyes and the eyes are very delicate and if I do something wrong…

Monday, August 24, 2015

My name is Pablo Alvarez. I'm 15 years old. I'm From Guatemala. I go to HPIAM. I like to play Videogames.